2 New Official Wii Covers :)

Ryano said:
Pythorne said:
vulcanrage said:
i hope those games will be wifi

They are confirmed that they will be Wifi.???!!??? :big_boss:

If you look on the cover there is a seal or badge that states Wifi in blue...

Even though there will be wifi I still think these games will dissapoint.
you think?? yeah maybe on Mario and sonic at the olympic games, but Rayman Raving rabbids 2?? i think it looks incredible fun , but thats my opinion :p


New Member
Rybo5000 said:
RaymanRavingRabbids2 is old news! As is Mario & Sonic at olympic games!

You guess ever heard of IGN?!?!?!?

Well dude, IGN isn't always the most reliable source, and some people have never heard of IGN, so this is news to them.