any1 got big brain? wanna compare scores

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New Member
Ryano said:
link said:
big brain is a wist of money just a dumb game for ur wii i rally think that it was a stupit idea to bring the game out

I completely disagree, it was a great idea to bring it out because it will make a big profit with non-gamers.

well if there is a non gamer dont u think he woudent have a console


New Member
link said:
Ryano said:
link said:
big brain is a wist of money just a dumb game for ur wii i rally think that it was a stupit idea to bring the game out

I completely disagree, it was a great idea to bring it out because it will make a big profit with non-gamers.

well if there is a non gamer dont u think he woudent have a console

I mean like the kids who have bought the Wii and the non-hardcore gamers.


New Member
well i dont think big brain gonna preswade them to play even more theyll probebly get bored in about a week thats if u ask me though


New Member
link said:
well i dont think big brain gonna preswade them to play even more theyll probebly get bored in about a week thats if u ask me though

Yeah but that doesn't mean it won't help sell wii's...


New Member
i enjoy this game cause i like puzzles and testing my brain, my gran swears by her crossword puzzle that it's kept her brain in check all the years. (she's 84 and remembers everything)
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