Best commando skills?


New Member
Elixir + Knife is the only Commando non-snipe attack that is formidable to me (I'm a Gunner).

I've never looked at the Commando abilities, but what does increase points in Elixir do besides decreased cooldown time?


New Member
BUNNEH said:
The setup i'm going for is max stealth and piercing shot, 4 troop trap, 1 elixer and 1 mark target. Mark and elixer are very nice and don't require more than 1 point to be effective.

^ Same with me. Current setup is 1 MT, 5 stealth, 3 PS, 1 TT

I'm level 18 currently.


New Member
Slartibartfast said:
And still u can go leg it, bazooka to throw him away and shotgun to kill

And it also increases duration and shield strength

The reason that Commando Elixir+Knife can be a challenge is if they catch me when Leg It and Shield are cooling down. Not much to do other than hoping you can Bazooka them away or yourself over a wall to scramble for time.


New Member
My setup is 5/5 Stealth, 1/5 Mark Target, 1/5 Elixir and 5/5 TT + 2/5 PS (or 5/5 PS + 2/5 TT). I am 26 now.
I am using burst pistol + slowest sniper rifle.


New Member
Best commando skills for DingDongDaddy, my level 25 would be:

1. Steath - put all points into stealth until you max NO MATTER WHAT!
2. Troop Traps - Start putting points into this after full steath - excellent for racking up points and damage.
3. Mark Target - At least one point on this to pull commandos out of steath on the flags. And to make people panic in general. :p
4. Elixir - Depending on your style. I have 2 points on this, but I run full knife, TT, rifle.

I stay away from Piercing Shot for now - as capping flags and laying traps provides the foundation for damage - then i pick them off with the sniper rifle - or elixir and knife them :D


New Member
i will use this (only lvl 16 now :p)

Stealth 5 (got 5 now)
TT 5 (got 3 now)
5 PS (got 1 now)
1 elixir OR mark target

at lvl 2 put 1 HP in PS, after that max out ur stealth and then ur TT and at last ur PS.
Somewhere in here u can put 1 point in elixir or mark target.

Mark target is a waste imo. if u dont have the patience to wait em out, dont play commando ;)
but elixir will give out ur spot to EVERY1 in the enemy team (unless they r complete idiots ^^) so u can pick urself what skill to have there :p

If you learn to play with TT you will never say that u shall level PS first. TT is insanely good. just stay stealthed and throw TTs around you and u will blow the shit out of ppl. i get atleast 3-4 kills every game from TTs ive placed at different places, and i also dmg the enemy alot ;)

and change this thread to the strat talk ;)


New Member
I love Mark Target. I use this in combination with TT... I can be hiding near a flag and run in and out playing "Santa" leaving them TT presents.... Then I can mark target and induce panicy running around and BOOM! they set off the TT. Then they're easy pickins....

Currently lvl 18 with 5 Stealth, 1 MT, 1 PS, and 3(4?) TT. Plan on maxxing TT next....


New Member
There we go. You and Harri know about this now, I keep finding more spots like this, I wonder how would this work with level 5 TT.


New Member
Nurech said:
There we go. You and Harri know about this now, I keep finding more spots like this, I wonder how would this work with level 5 TT.

I'm lvl 18 and my TT 3 so I think I'm closer than you ;) ( I think that you catch me tomorrow in lvls...).