Black Market

Amigo wqake up look in ur l;ife!

lol at your sig pattack.
I knew that Nexon was going to add the option to use real world money to get something to get things not available to people that don't pay. selfish b-.....wait, they may read this....great mone making plan guys! you are the best people ever!!!!!!! I love you! please don't ban me. anyways, I like that the game is free to play but this whole black market idea is stupid. People should not have to pay for a 'free' game, in any way. I don't really care about my k/d spread, so this won't attract me. I;m too poor to pay for it anyway (why do you think I'm playing this and not cod4?) anyways, I knew this would happen, but so did everyone else. This game is much much better than maple, so I guess they will make more than 30m from it? I guess I just think it sucks.

hola compadre wake up ! if thewy dint make the nexon cash shop thing they wouldnt even have this game they have it running thankfully to maplestorys nexon cash buyers


New Member
Yeah, I know..... so sad that they actually want to make money. The worst part is that they might actually get some money off of people for this. At least it isn't as bad as paying for Mapleshit.... seriously, the weapons on there were made with MS paint =)
Of course the weapons don't really do anything, but the fire mask is a little messed up, but seariously, how hard is it to avoid the highly visible cloud of orange smoke???
besides, Nexon could have been nice and made the whole game completely free =)
Oh well, I'm not going to use the black market period, so I don't care, I just think it sucks that I wasted 2 hours waiting for the freaking patch to finish downloading and another half hour after that to get the game to work. (then I couldn't play because of 'a possible hack attempt')


New Member
Although I am glad Nexon released the Name Changer. That is a good item, and I was willing to pay up to 10 bucks for it.

My ign was my friends name, he gave me the account after he quit. Lols. It was only
but I thought that was crazy high rank before I started getting into the game.

Now I am *Refer to Avatar*


New Member
it would be cool if the black market had crazy weapons like rpgs and chainguns and stuff like that. ill probably never use the black market though. me and my M4A1 get the job done lol


yep i agree that would be funny, but that would inbalance the game, therefore putting off people do dont want to waste money.


New Member
it would be cool if the black market had crazy weapons like rpgs and chainguns and stuff like that. ill probably never use the black market though. me and my M4A1 get the job done lol

Adding the M134 isn't such a bad idea...
I'd never use it either, unless the AK-103 is added.
I've yet to see one of the black market items in-game.
Quite sad how people actually purchase them.


New Member
maybe that would be a good fun idea. the weapons dont do much anyway.

A laser M134 would do much, quite a lot in fact.
But you're right, the person does the damage, the gun is just the middle man.

I would love to see the M134 in-game though, it'd be quite entertaining to use.


for a one off open test. but there are no xp and gp to make it fair.

so basically you let people buy the super weapons. people start using it excessively, might be unfair to others
they get more xp and gp then they should

(Made it a bit more clear, seeing as I had to have you explain it on MSN, quoted off MSN. -Love)

after the patch on the 15th of October, new weapons and a new mercinary named Zadan . the weapons include, the anaconda sliver (to make it fair nexon added a black version of the anaconda for GP only) and a HDS-4 Reflex Sight (similar to the ACOG scopes for GP pruchase). other additions are the green beret (just a colour difference from the red GP beret).

for a more detailed look on the additions, visit the link below.