Combat Arms Anti Cheat


New Member
What do you guys think about how Anti Cheat is being dealt with in Combat Arms? I am hearing rumors that Punkbuster is going to be added within the month be even that isnt very good. Thoughts?


New Member
Nexon has terrible security in there games, just a lot of patches.

Same with all online and offline games.

And there is nothing they can do to fix that!!


New Member
Nexon has terrible security in there games, just a lot of patches.

Same with all online and offline games.

And there is nothing they can do to fix that!!

Ekryptik, you don't know much about games do you? for one i doubt PB will be added, Nexon has spoke with Evenbalance about using PB but they want to much money for Nexon to even consider using PB... as far as HackShield goes, they need to be put in their rightful place... the TRASH as it can not stop a single hack and is to easily by passed.


New Member
I think PunkBuster would be better than HackShield at least. It's updated on a regular basis for the active gaming community. That is to say if the game is being played a lot then PunkBuster is usually up to date more often. However, I firmly believe that the #1 anti-hack solution will always be people.

Until Nexon allows the room master to kick players or put up a vote to kick players during a game then hacking will always be a problem. Also, for there to be solid evidence of hacking there needs to be the availability of spec'ing someone in first person during a game.

I have to admit though, the game masters have been very quick in responding to the reporting of hackers/abusers. I posted some screenshots about a glitcher on Cold Seed and it was handled within the hour, and this was really early in the morning!


New Member
Well, I've only seen one hacker so far - IGN John_Rambo w/ speed hack

This game doesn't have alot of hackers, and I'm praying there won't be

However, Nexon does take care of these hackers/glitchers with this game for a strange reason o_O


New Member
Well, I've only seen one hacker so far - IGN John_Rambo w/ speed hack

This game doesn't have alot of hackers, and I'm praying there won't be

However, Nexon does take care of these hackers/glitchers with this game for a strange reason o_O

Probably because they have to. They are the only ones with enough control/admin to do anything about it. They don't give any control to room masters to kick, so they are stuck with all the micro managing of servers.


New Member
What you can do is leave games when u see hackers. When you stay in there and argue u just give them kills. If every1 leaves the game when a hacker joins then the hacker wont have any option but just to stop.


New Member
It's kind of funny...I mean I was playing OMA with 2 other people, and I was kind of lagging and whatnot (cause my cousin always downloads her episodes = lag) and like I kept killing him and he said, "DONT HACK" and I replied "I'm not hacking, you just aren't as observant."