Doom 3 RPG


New Member
Doom 3 RPG: *beep* Awakened
You are a marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Shorty after you report for duty at the Union Aerospace Corporation's (UAC) Mars Research Facility, a demonic invasion overwhelms the base, leaving chaos, horror, and death in its wake. As one of the few survivors, you must use overwhelming firepower and all of your combat skill to battle through the demon hordes, find out what went wrong and prevent the evil from spreading. Only you stand between *beep* and Earth.

Doom 3 RPG: Resurrection of Evil
Its been almost two years since a mysterious incident shutdown the UAC base on Mars. Several months ago, one the UAC satellites still moniterring the red planet detected a beacon originating from Site 1. This early research facility was long forgotten, even before the invasion. Now you're a Marine combat enginerr, part of a massive and security team led by Dr. Elizabeth Mcneil. Your team is being sent back to Mars in an attempt to find and investigate the source of this strange signal. What you'll find, nobody knows, but hopefully it'll offer some new insight into the ancient civilation that once inhabited the planet.
As your transport nears the surface, can't help but wonder what type of 'accident" could have killed so many people two years ago, and could it happen again?

both games are campaigns
some of the features will include:
-custom models
-custom icons
-advanced weapons system
-a horde of never ending monsters
-custom difficulties Recruit(easy) to Nightmare(near-impossible)

Game Designer and Developer - Refl3ction (only me)
Triggers- sid, jessica
Terrain- refl3ction, jessica
Objects- refl3ction
Model/Skins- jessica

i have started this and i am on Level 5 - Delta Labs Sectors 1-3

using site maps to help me out with level layout (each map uses 2-3 sectors in size)
Look here for a close layout


New Member
I suggest you get some members, (you need to specify what you need help on) so that your project doesn't drop, cause a lot of these "first tries" will go down the drain...
But anyways, good luck :D


New Member
Speaking of what undead said... im look for a terrainer and a triggerer any help would be appreciated

edit: to reittirate wat undead said below...
i am currently working on the first two levels of my campaign, wich is Mars City 1 to Alpha Labs 2 on the link i gave above so i have only just begun to slice into this project
also i desperatley need a extremely good weapon system


New Member
Chapter Three - Alpha Labs - Sector 3-4

Check the level layout posted above for my levels,
includes the first boss in the game

Queen of the Trites

Has the ability to telecinetically to lift and throw objects