game crashing

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New Member
Cool! Labtops are awesome!! I LOVE LABtops.


Thats a lot for some people who may only have like 15k in the bank...


New Member
yeaaah i cant afford to spend 800 on a comp, i dont have a job right now, and when i do have a job i have bills to pay,i aint rich


New Member
its not a ban,did you not read my original post at all? *sigh*....i said "i cannot get into the login screen", it seems like half the people posting on my thread didnt even take the time to read what i said lol,so how am i supposed to log in with a different acct when i cant even get the game running at all, it wont start,no offense but let me know if you need me to spell the problem out(jk)


New Member
lol thanks for the suggestion,i dont live with my parents,im 21,and my parents are not rich,everything i get i gotta earn


New Member
Do you know what your PC specs are? If you do post them, and it will give us a better idea of what's wrong with the game.
ok i got a sugegstion for reducing lag first go to options then set everything low low low and that may reduce some of your lagging it may not work so verry well in warehead and on one of the search and destory mission only area
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