Gears of War


New Member
I personally have never played these games, so I don't know much about them but from what I've heard, I think I would like them if I did play them. I've heard that the online's really fun and that the cover system is a new inventive take on a shooter genre.

Anyone ever played this? I hope so because I've also heard that it is one of the mainstream Xbox games that exists. I've even heard that it's more mainstream than Call of Duty? True or False?


New Member
Gears of War isn't an FPS game, but regardless, it's absolutely fantastic. The storyline was great and had me excited and interested all the way to the end on both games. Can't wait for Gears 3. :)


New Member
... Believe it or not, there is

Don't ask me for the name, it was an offline 2d game where you had to eat monsters

lol just realized, you eat people in kirby :/