How much bandwith does it use?



New Member
It depends.
Using the internet channel uses the same amount of bandwidth as regular internet use on the computer.
For games, depending on the game (how much it has to communicate/download ect) could be a little to a fair bit, but it shouldn't be bog down the internet for anyone else on the same network.


New Member
Hmm...thanks Sousanator!

Regular online game play doesn't use much bandwidth. What takes up bandwidth is downloading songs, games. Playing a mmo doesn't use that much bandwidth unless you do the updating parts.

2 gigs a week should be more than enough.


While dormant, the Wii only uses enough bandwidth to receive messages. In Gameplay there won't be that much of a threat to those using something better then dial-up. 1.5 gigs for bandwidth will be plenty enough.