Mario Galaxy Or Brawl?


New Member
i dont no probably brawl but it depends if galaxy is like another super mario 64 then ill probably get galaxy

PS. Does anyone know if it will be like super mario 64


New Member
rko12347 said:
i dont no probably brawl but it depends if galaxy is like another super mario 64 then ill probably get galaxy

PS. Does anyone know if it will be like super mario 64

well by the looks of it i think it might....but i'm not sure......


Galaxy seems amazing to me! The campaign seems like incredible just to watch! Brawl though is also really good! It's hard to decide...but I think Galaxy will take the cake here. I'm a hardcore campaign player, let alone Super Mario player.


New Member
Kirby said:
Galaxy seems amazing to me! The campaign seems like incredible just to watch! Brawl though is also really good! It's hard to decide...but I think Galaxy will take the cake here. I'm a hardcore campaign player, let alone Super Mario player.
I agree with everyword you just said :)