Need help ! - The Sorrow


New Member
Ok so I just got seven-shades-of-sh1t beaten out of me by Volgin during a few very cool cut-scenes....

Am really wanting my revenge now but have to get past The Sorrow first it seems !!

I've had no problems figuring out and defeating the other bosses, but this one has me stumped :?

I could just look at a guide.. but I thought I'd ask you people first !

So.. any takers..?

I've walked and walked past all the zombies and boss-zombies and whenever I get to the end he says something like 'its time for you to return to your world'.. then I get 1-shotted and die ! Nice !


New Member
yep in deed its the easiest boss plus it depends on how much you killed too like if you killed every single solider it going to be a while and have to watch out for sorrows attacks in which well knock you down will let a couple of dead souls get some hits on you but if you shoot them its just a waste of ammo and it does some good though it like freeze them so the less you killed the fast it will be and at the end just take the rival pill and boom next cut/save screen will pop up and the start of getting you weapons back from eva well thats all i have to say about that