New Graphic engine for Wii!!


New Member
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:
It disappointed though. Microsoft promised too much, and once again the online is the best option. They coulda made a fantastic single player.

I think thats the main difference between HALO and Metroid, HALO of late is focused solely on there Multiplayer and online while Nintendo has thrown online mode out the window for Metroid and focused on the single player.

Agreed! the game play was way better in metriod prime 3 then halo 3. but me being a halo fan i liked the story line of halo and aka why i bought halo 3.. me not having xbox live no more. but halo 3 does have the graphics and the sound over metriod but if your not on a HD tv with seround sound whats the difference?


New Member
giroblade said:
so a little back on topic does anyone know the rough time that it will take to develop the engine

No I don't think anyone does, and the funny thing is I havn't seen this info on any other forum I visit....


New Member
I suppose it'd be nice, but in all honesty, the graphics for the Wii aren't bad. People just compare them to the graphics of the PS3 and 360 and ultimate call them "crap" when they're perfectly fine.

Nintendo stated that the Wii has graphical capabilities more than twice that of the Gamecube. That means that, even if the graphics aren't up to the PS3/360 standards, they're still technically "next-gen" as the capabilities are higher than those of all the "last-gen" consoles.

Heck, the PS2 had the worst graphical capabilities out of the "last-gen" consoles (Ps2, Gamecube, X-Box) yet was clearly the most popular. Nobody complained about graphics then, so why pick on the Wii?

The Gamecube had some brilliantly beautiful-looking games, so it's not so farfetched to say that the Wii can, and will, have some of the same. No game developers have come anywhere close to utilizing the full potential of the Wii's graphical capabilities as of yet, however people still insist that this is the "best the Wii can do".

Further down the line, higher-end games will be released. Just you wait and see.


New Member
Sonson said:
I suppose it'd be nice, but in all honesty, the graphics for the Wii aren't bad. People just compare them to the graphics of the PS3 and 360 and ultimate call them "crap" when they're perfectly fine.

Nintendo stated that the Wii has graphical capabilities more than twice that of the Gamecube. That means that, even if the graphics aren't up to the PS3/360 standards, they're still technically "next-gen" as the capabilities are higher than those of all the "last-gen" consoles.

Heck, the PS2 had the worst graphical capabilities out of the "last-gen" consoles (Ps2, Gamecube, X-Box) yet was clearly the most popular. Nobody complained about graphics then, so why pick on the Wii?

The Gamecube had some brilliantly beautiful-looking games, so it's not so farfetched to say that the Wii can, and will, have some of the same. No game developers have come anywhere close to utilizing the full potential of the Wii's graphical capabilities as of yet, however people still insist that this is the "best the Wii can do".

Further down the line, higher-end games will be released. Just you wait and see.

Actually ps2 had better graphics then the GC imo...


New Member
Sometimes it would seem that way visually, but the Gamecube internal specs were much better than those of the PS2. On paper, the Gamecube had higher graphical capabilities than the Ps2.

I do agree that the PS2 had far more graphically superior games than the Gamecube did, but the only reason for that was because the game developers chose not to utilize the Gamecube's full potential when creating the games.


New Member
Sonson said:
Sometimes it would seem that way visually, but the Gamecube internal specs were much better than those of the PS2. On paper, the Gamecube had higher graphical capabilities than the Ps2.

I do agree that the PS2 had far more graphically superior games than the Gamecube did, but the only reason for that was because the game developers chose not to utilize the Gamecube's full potential when creating the games.


Well then that was mighty stupid of Ninty not to show it all off...


New Member
Ryano said:
Sonson said:
Sometimes it would seem that way visually, but the Gamecube internal specs were much better than those of the PS2. On paper, the Gamecube had higher graphical capabilities than the Ps2.

I do agree that the PS2 had far more graphically superior games than the Gamecube did, but the only reason for that was because the game developers chose not to utilize the Gamecube's full potential when creating the games.


Well then that was mighty stupid of Ninty not to show it all off...
yeah nintendo makes mostly cartoonie games not games with amazing graphics
although there are many games such as MoH that could've used better graphics