Time Splitters 4 coming to Wii??


New Member
lu1g1 said:
they were also on ps2 though wiipointsmaster...
wiipointsmaster said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
in that "article" in the link he says: "we’re a long way off deciding what platforms it’ll be on." I don't know what in that makes you all think it's definitely going to be for the wii. He said it's possible, but it's not confirmed. And all of you who are excited for TS4, here's a link to a teaser for it: http://www.frd.co.uk/timesplitters4/videos.php :)

they most likely are going to make it for the wii because the other 3 were on gamecube so it only makes sense to put the new one on the wii.
they were also on ps2 though wiipointsmaster...

ya i know i didnt say it was only on the gamecube but i am just trying to say that since it was on gamecube that it will most likely be on wii.


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
ye, online is most important, i think they will be able to do good controlls, the games now have better controls in general cuz they have had 1 year to pratice

yeah i guess...i just really hope its for the wii :S


New Member
awesome series xD got hooked on the GC versions. i still play timesplitters with my bro and his friends.

cant wait to use the new controls with the new game : >


New Member
Kuoid said:
awesome series xD got hooked on the GC versions. i still play timesplitters with my bro and his friends.

cant wait to use the new controls with the new game : >

It might not come to the wii so don't get your hopes up...


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
beerbert said:
cool cuz when the zapper comes out that would be the best 3rd person shooter ever

timesplitters is a 1st person shooter, not a 3rd person....

Many people dont know the difference between First person and third person shooter. I had a friend who thought Halo was a Third person shooter.
Heres a paragraph to wat the difference is for the people who dont know... (i didnt want to put the link cause it was tooo long)

When thinking about the differences between a first person and third person game, first on many player's minds is the most obvious change; the camera. In a first person game the camera always looks wherever the player is looking, and since the character is always in a "valid" location in the game-world, the camera is always in the same position relative to this character. In a third-person game, however, this is not the case. The preferred view of the player's character in an action game seems to be an "over the shoulder" camera location far enough back so that the player is able to see all of said character. The problem then becomes what if the camera is in a position that isn't in the "game-world," for instance if the player's character is backed up against a wall. Since most real-time 3D engines can't handle rendering from viewpoints at invalid locations in the game-world, the camera must be moved to a valid location. Where should the camera go? Further up? Off to the side? Should it zoom in on the player's shoulder? All the different options have their own strengths and weaknesses, with no solution sure to please all players, and the game is bound to be somewhat disorienting in certain situations as a result. Programming a camera which is acceptable to all players is a daunting task for third-person game programmers, a problem which is completely circumvented by first-person games.


New Member
Pythorne said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
beerbert said:
cool cuz when the zapper comes out that would be the best 3rd person shooter ever

timesplitters is a 1st person shooter, not a 3rd person....

Many people dont know the difference between First person and third person shooter. I had a friend who thought Halo was a Third person shooter.
Heres a paragraph to wat the difference is for the people who dont know... (i didnt want to put the link cause it was tooo long)

When thinking about the differences between a first person and third person game, first on many player's minds is the most obvious change; the camera. In a first person game the camera always looks wherever the player is looking, and since the character is always in a "valid" location in the game-world, the camera is always in the same position relative to this character. In a third-person game, however, this is not the case. The preferred view of the player's character in an action game seems to be an "over the shoulder" camera location far enough back so that the player is able to see all of said character. The problem then becomes what if the camera is in a position that isn't in the "game-world," for instance if the player's character is backed up against a wall. Since most real-time 3D engines can't handle rendering from viewpoints at invalid locations in the game-world, the camera must be moved to a valid location. Where should the camera go? Further up? Off to the side? Should it zoom in on the player's shoulder? All the different options have their own strengths and weaknesses, with no solution sure to please all players, and the game is bound to be somewhat disorienting in certain situations as a result. Programming a camera which is acceptable to all players is a daunting task for third-person game programmers, a problem which is completely circumvented by first-person games.

thanks for that pythone, i like 1st person shooters a whole lot more