Updates ?


Jack Padousdous

New Member
GreatMan said:
There will be some changes to the sniper/rifle :D

No! They gave the QQplebs what they wanted -.-
So if we want a floating duck for when we fall in the water we just need to QQ alot and make a lot of threads about it.


New Member
change... for the commando there is no way they re gonna buff them.
so a change but no buff, must be a nerf :D

(unless they change their haircut...)


Ah yes the commando change. Should probably nerf it. Can you one shot kill other commandos now? Been playing gunner to much to check commando.


New Member
You all are sayng that commando should be nerf but look at the soldier:
Wall hack(6th sense)
the best offensive abillitie(burning bullets)
The best defensive abillitie(combat medicine)
The best weapon ingame(Close range SMG with 40bullets)

I like it because im a soldier but it is a lot...much better than commando and gunner


New Member
Gaara said:
You all are sayng that commando should be nerf but look at the soldier:
Wall hack(6th sense)
the best offensive abillitie(burning bullets)
The best defensive abillitie(combat medicine)
The best weapon ingame(Close range SMG with 40bullets)

I like it because im a soldier but it is a lot...much better than commando and gunner
+BS ;)

And soldiers can take commando campers down with very long range pistol. Gunners can only shoot random bazooka shots to church tower...

Soldiers week point is tanks. When you are in tank fight and you loose it, you have to jump out from your tank without any defense against that another tank. Of course you have tnt and bs but to use those you have to get close to tank and tank drivers are not always stupid. You die. Commandos are invisible, they can run away and steal new tank. Gunners have IEG and bazooka.
Gaara said:
The best weapon ingame(Close range SMG with 40bullets)
Really? Can someone get for me fact knowledge from gunners close mg's and soldiers close smg? Damage, recoil and stuff like that. I don't believe before I see ;)


New Member
Gaara said:
You all are sayng that commando should be nerf but look at the soldier:
Wall hack(6th sense)
the best offensive abillitie(burning bullets)
The best defensive abillitie(combat medicine)
The best weapon ingame(Close range SMG with 40bullets)

I like it because im a soldier but it is a lot...much better than commando and gunner
Yesterday I was using 6th sense in a full 8 vs 8 server on RR ...
guess what... i saw ONE ! national, the other 7 nationals where cloaked on some edge of the map waiting for you to come around the corner....

Burning bullets and CM... yeah great... but 90% of the time your dead before you even notice someone is shooting at you.