Warcraft 4 vs Starcraft 2



New Member
starcraft didn't finish properly, they haven't even introduced the hybrids (bonus level zerg campaign brood wars)(at least i think it was the zerg one). there are many, many possibilities for a story line in starcraft 2. for instance, where did jim raynor come from?. what was it like in the first couple of years for the terrans. they could explore the histroy for all the races, or continue after the desacredation of aiur. i was making maps in starcraft as a wee one, well before i ever played warcrafrt. basically, the only reason i play warcraft is for the better features (graphics, WE, auto-cast spells, etc.). give me starcraft over warcraft any day. :yay:

one other possibility you have forgotten, Diablo 3...


New Member
Bah, Diablo III is 100% out of the question. They killed the 3 Prime Evils in DII and the Expansion, and there was also the Pandemonium event where the 3 were resurrected by Lilith, the demon queen.

And i vote for SC2. Warcraft would just come off boring unless it would be as epic as Warhammer 40000: DoW. :p


New Member
Ya they would both be cool but i cant imagine a starcraft 2 being made for some reason it just seams wrong to me.
Well, if you guys remember and have some kind of imagination, in the bonus stage of the hybrids (who unfortunately were not shown) the Original Overmind was no one less than...Samir (i think thas his name) the Ghost hero who was a traitor to everyone in the game ^^. So, we might have a lttle string to push on a new story...

Well, I'm the opposite of Raiju in this case. I prefer fantasy over sci-fi, but that's mostly because I simply dislike sci-fi.
Like you say, not the first time ^^
But why? Any especific reason?

starcraft didn't finish properly, they haven't even introduced the hybrids (bonus level zerg campaign brood wars)(at least i think it was the zerg one). there are many, many possibilities for a story line in starcraft 2. for instance, where did jim raynor come from?. what was it like in the first couple of years for the terrans. they could explore the histroy for all the races, or continue after the desacredation of aiur. i was making maps in starcraft as a wee one, well before i ever played warcrafrt. basically, the only reason i play warcraft is for the better features (graphics, WE, auto-cast spells, etc.). give me starcraft over warcraft any day. :yay:

one other possibility you have forgotten, Diablo 3...
I forgot which campagn was the bonus stage. There could be a new alien race, or the hybrids revealing theirselves (under the command of the Original Overmind).....Yeah, a lot of possibilities (im too lazy to think of more). Starcraft owns

Who knows...maybe the Evil never dies, maybe some other prime-like creature wil be spawned, or they can revive from the abyss...i would love a Diablo 3


New Member
i would rather have SC2 bcuz ive been getting tired of WC... even tho it tis still fun to make games on WC3 i still favor sci-fi over fantasy.... but they are still high up on my lost

sc ghost was cancelled (i dont remember the reason) but blizzard is planning to revive SC with SC2... ive always loved blizzard ghames and sc was my first game by blizz i played...

i also believe that WoW is porbabaly goin to be the final recreation of the WC universe... even though it is probably going to have more 'expansions' revealing new races, items, worlds etc...


New Member
Well the new exspansion for WoW is getting to be alot like diablo 3
i say this becuase of 1) socketed iteams (as in diablo)
2) jewelcrafting (as in diablo)
3) blizzards only other rpg
but still it would be very cool indeed. Also the hybrids for starcraft could make an interesting story.


New Member
is it just me or does archimonde in the cinematics that you can watch in windows media player look like a protoss carrier portrait?


New Member
Most likely there will be a Starcraft 2 before a Warcraft 4. Blizzard Entertainment makes millions each month on World of Warcraft, where, 3/4 of the players had never even played Warcraft 3. To make a game where they only get money when you buy it is just financialy foolish. Though, If they made one to continue the story, rather than trying to do it on WoW, I will be very happy. The problem is you cannot have Arthas or Illidan or someone else die in WoW because they will respawn, causing Arthas to die over and over and 400 players who weild Frostmourne. Blizzard would be better off making another expansion for WoW then a Warcraft 4 because they will make hell of a lot more money then they would to make another RTS where you dont pay 20 dollars each month. Think about it, millions of players times 20 a month, thats like 20 million a month. Whereas a 60 dollar RTS where they get millions will be about 60 million, yet they only get it that one time. If you do the math, financialy 20 million over 12 months is 240 million every year versus 60 million, one year.