What about left-handed people?


New Member
Speaking with the voice of left-handed and old-school style gamers, what about fixing the arrow keys for use in CA?

I know there's a fix by going into the profiles thing and changing the numbers, etc. etc., and that some people have written their own C++ compilations (most of which do not work on Windows Vista) to replace the numbers automatically, but couldn't this headache be fixed in a few minutes by the coders at Nexon?

I know this should probably be posted in Tech Support, but I'll post it there, too. If you agree, post a comment, because this frustrates me to no end that every key works but two of the most important ones. Please fix this!


Active Member
I agree with you even though I'm am not left handed myself.
I believe everyone should be able to play the game how they want too.
I think you should go to nexon file a ticket and let them in on this idea of yours.


New Member
most of the lefthanders I know can play with the WSAD config.

I know a few right handers who use completely different setups or have custom keyboards that are whacked out when it comes to CA...

They kind of dropped the ball when it comes to the control panel.

I really want to turn off the freaking censorship.


New Member
I am more comfortable shooting a real gun with my left hand. Although I do lots of things with my right hand as well. I write with my left, throw with my right. But I'm more comfortably using my right with games. So yeah, some people have trouble, others don't.