Whats your favourite class


New Member
I like them all, but soldier the most.
Gunner and commando are great once you have a good lvl (its hard that a lvl 12-18 comando or gunner wins against a lvl 24-28 one), while soldier is more forgiving in matter of lvl


New Member
When i started to play i create all type of heroes and try it all.Just like u said guys gunner is boring for me.Commando is really cool and fun but soldier is great too!they need very different palystyle.I play with soldier now cos i like to be there in middle of the fight esspecially with some other soldier so we can cross cm so we can be very effective.


New Member
CrimsonX said:
When i started to play i create all type of heroes and try it all.Just like u said guys gunner is boring for me.Commando is really cool and fun but soldier is great too!they need very different palystyle.I play with soldier now cos i like to be there in middle of the fight esspecially with some other soldier so we can cross cm so we can be very effective.

I found Gunner the lamest class first too.. lvled my Sniper to 14 first. Then I got sick of it.. Same thing all the time.
Tried Gunner and when I got to a higher lvl it rocked =) Like soldier too but not as much a Gunner. + I bought Battlefunds to it so it kind of have to my main now :p


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm a new member here but I had to chime in on the Gunner.

I am finding the Gunner to be fairly unpopular. When you see them, you know it. Although they are obvious, I find they can be few and far between.

But I have to defend the gunner. I have a Gunner and a Commando for the Royals. Basically I find I like my Gunner a tad more, but it's for the reason that in MANY games I really feel like I'm the glue of the team.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my gunner (Whammo) is THE superstar, but simply the guy who's a great support character. The guy who'll run in, and pull out those nasty commandos so my guys can have the shot. Or the guy that will SUCK UP the explosives so the Soldiers can help grab the flag....

I gotta say I love that role. Conversely I've been on with my Commando on completely Gunnerless teams! I've watched tanks roll over my team because we don't have that 'tanking' Gunner out there with an RPG. Sure as a commando I can get a schwack of kills but my Gunner is the meat of my teams usually.

I know they don't do a ton of damage, but I guess you could say when the explosives, bullets, and tanks are flying everywhere, I LOVE being in the middle of it, chomping on my cigar, chugging bullets and taking a few for the team. ;)


New Member
i have asked this question myself many times cant get an answer all the classes r sool i think... het and murpo gunner boars u, i cant beleave.... he is just cool see the leg it smart ryt..


New Member
soldier is the easiest and i love it and gunner is very big fun when you can play with him and commando is very nice because you can get on the best spots and snipe but im soldier :D


New Member
Soldier is my favorite, but the Gunner is very close behind him. I hate playing as Commandos
(Yes.. Im probably the only person in the whole world that doesn't like Commandos ^_-)

Love the Soldiers, for their CM and grenades, Gunners for their RPG and big guns >.<