Why the StarCraft 2 Specs Can't Be Real


Active Member

Last Friday, the 29th of January, we saw Blizzard briefly put up a web page on one of their domains. Nothing unusual in a gaming company putting online content onto their own sites, however this information bore the title of "Starcraft II System Requirements". Massive news by all accounts. It professed to the gaming community that it was the final specifications that were to be used for the long awaited (and needless to say, overdue) beta season, and in itself is a sign that the beta is surely coming around the corner. (Have we heard that before or what?)

Anyhow, in a flurry of excitement it spread like wild fire across the internet from our own network and to the wider games sites and media. It truly shows the momentous importance of these technical specifications being released to the eager public. Blizzard noticed their mistake and promptly removed the information from their webpage, but it had already been copied, pasted and screenshotted a thousand times over and millions of fans had already gotten the information they desired. Blizzard had failed to suppress the community leak.
