Wii caught her cheating with another Mii?!



Tony, a soldier returning from Iraq after a year of active duty, found out that his wife couldn't wait for some lovin' while he was gone by checking his Wii. When he confronted her with his friends' accusations, she claimed that she only kissed another man once. However, after checking his Mii channel for war buddies he discovered a Mii he didn't create.

When he went through the calendar, he found that his wife and the man had spent several nights together playing Wii bowling. Tony has since separated and filed for divorce. Link

Poor bloke, great story!


New Member
wow. are you kidding? People need to resolve these things peacefully. Stop getting divorces! And I mean, for a few games of bowling?! Come on! Seriously!


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
wow. are you kidding? People need to resolve these things peacefully. Stop getting divorces! And I mean, for a few games of bowling?! Come on! Seriously!

Well, obviously he assumes something more than just "bowling" took place. It did say that he found that two people were spending several nights playing.

Honestly, what reason would a married woman have to invite over some random [/i]male[/i] friend, and spend time that late at night playing games?

It's very likely he's jumping to conclusions, but it's also just as likely that, after faced with all that evidence, he confronted his wife and she admitted to cheating on him.

Unfortunately, such things aren't unheard of, and many people aren't as loyal as you'd like to think they are. Expecially considering how lonely one can get after being alone for such a long time.[/i]