WiiMax LightGun



The WiiMax (not to be confused with WiMAX) is one substantial light gun controller, designed to flip between “machine gun†and “rifle†modes thanks to a folding front grip. It’s got a fitted slot for holding your Wii-mote, and lets you plunk your Nunchuk into the handle. The laser sight runs on a pair of AAA batteries, and can be easily removed if it gets in your way.
Sure, if you’re willing bring out your inner MacGyver, you could just duct tape a cheap laser pointer onto any light gun. But for about $21, you might as well just pick up one of these, all ready to go. You can grab the WiiMax Wii Light Gun from DealExtreme.



New Member
hmm.... I wonder if it would change your guns for you when you switched to machine gun or rifle. I doubt it does so it would make things hard.... plus, why do you need a scope XD You would be scopeing your tv? haha, still, cool what they are making now a days ;)


Dang, these guns are popping up all over the place, but this one looks a bit weirder. The long barrel will help add a "rifle" feel to it. That laser sight is what really catches my eye. I would probably think about getting this one.