Your impression of...



New Member
*points his finger to Hunter and Falcoknight*
They have.

Hunter has seen my picture before on MSN, and Falco and I know each other personally, more or less. Arkidas is also one of those people who knows my real uh... face.

I still stick to my opinion that you strike me as a very normal average guy, Undead. :p


New Member
You did? Oh, I forgot about that.
When was it you last saw me then? Not everyone can still believe I am still the same person as I was three years ago when I would show a photo of then. :p


New Member
Ahhh... no. Sorry, I don't. I only remember my conversations with most girls on my contact list and a few specific guys.

Speaking of which, I hope her History and French tests are going well...
Ahhh... no. Sorry, I don't. I only remember my conversations with most girls on my contact list and a few specific guys.

Speaking of which, I hope her History and French tests are going well...
Meh, be more nicer to us guys, we're human too :p
hmmm.... raiju, this might be a guess that it is totally off but maybe some1 of asian decent
probabaly male (raiju sounds maleish) maybe in his/her middle teens

well im not too good at this stuff but thats about as much as i can guess :) correct me if i am completely or just a lil off :D
Ummm Raiju is mexican. And if you read my thread Raiju is japenese, for lightning demon or something. Oh and Raiju is a he. 15- 19 :)


New Member
Raiju is definatly mexican. No, im not making any racist jokes. I see james1654 (Me thinks he poisions the site) and several others talking about raiju, and hes mexican. Just wanted to point that out.

Anyway, I live in the SouthEastern U.S. (think Georgia, Virginia, south and north carolina, florida, and such). Im, although we americans are pictured as racist and slobs, quite polite and never try to flame unless really pissed off. Im 14 years old, and live In a small middle class family. How about you all?

Also on topic of raiju: in, he stated somewhere he was 14-15. Does that help at all?