zelda for NES


New Member
what a mistake, i think i can remember playing this when younger

but when i downloaded it i was very dissapointed as the game is total pants!!!!!

is the game pants or am i missing somethisng?


New Member
it's a classic, but it won't compare to today's games, and hence you won't enjoy it as much now as you would have then... you have to remember how video games have changed


New Member
i must say i got n64 games on vc, and they are good, but the only nes and snes i want will be zelda link to the past, and maybe a few others


New Member
the game zelda has really changed over the years and now it has a better 3d perspective and way better fighting styles. in the nes ones all you did was swing your sword so you probably dont enjoy it because of that.


New Member
It's disappointing how people just look at the graphics and not the gameplay.. The game is a classic.. It's not meant to amaze you..


New Member
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?! HOW YOU DARE TO INSULT THE LEGEND OF ZELDA!!!!!! ITS ONE OF THE BEST NES GAMES!!!!! what is wrong with that game? everything is just fine! is challenging, got many items, a nice overworld, and lots of dungeons!