i have a level 20 warrior and level 30 rogue on 1 and the other one is only level 10 mage or something like that. The first one has the following gift packs for the account.
Collector's Edition Item: Ancient Tartagon mount. Increases Character Speed by 60%.
Collector's Edition Item: Collector's Satchel. Increases Starter Bag Capacity to 24 Slots.
Collector's Edition Item: Shiny Lil' Trinket. Summons Bogling Wastrel Companion Pet.
Promotional Item: Ascended Gift Pack
Promotional Item: Crystalline Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Earth.
Promotional Item: RIFT Pre-order Companion Pet Choice: One Per Character.
Promotional Item: Shrouded Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Death.
The second one has the following gift packs for the account
Collector's Edition Item: Ancient Tartagon mount. Increases Character Speed by 60%.
Collector's Edition Item: Collector's Satchel. Increases Starter Bag Capacity to 24 Slots.
Collector's Edition Item: Shiny Lil' Trinket. Summons Bogling Wastrel Companion Pet.
Promotional Item: Ascended Gift Pack
Promotional Item: Crystalline Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Earth.
Promotional Item: RIFT Pre-order Companion Pet Choice: One Per Character.
Promotional Item: Shrouded Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Death.
River of Souls Event Reward Pack (a nice little gift for the river of souls event)
Rift 1:
Rift 2:
I also have the following accounts which I am the original owner of
Age of Conan (Has 600 Item Shop Points on Account)
Gods and Heroes
Runes of Magic (has 299 Crystals)
Final Fantasy XI Ultimate Collection: Abyssea Edition
FInal Fantasy XIV
Champions Online
CIty of Heroes
Guild Wars
let me know if any of those intrest you as well. All of them I will trade for a Starcraft 2 CD-Key or Account. It doesn't have to be a high level Account as I will be starting fresh.
As far as selling them I will sell all of them as a bundle for $70.00 USD.
Thank you for looking and have yourself a wonderful night.
*Edit* I didn't mean to put the + in the title sorry if it was misleading.
Collector's Edition Item: Ancient Tartagon mount. Increases Character Speed by 60%.
Collector's Edition Item: Collector's Satchel. Increases Starter Bag Capacity to 24 Slots.
Collector's Edition Item: Shiny Lil' Trinket. Summons Bogling Wastrel Companion Pet.
Promotional Item: Ascended Gift Pack
Promotional Item: Crystalline Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Earth.
Promotional Item: RIFT Pre-order Companion Pet Choice: One Per Character.
Promotional Item: Shrouded Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Death.
The second one has the following gift packs for the account
Collector's Edition Item: Ancient Tartagon mount. Increases Character Speed by 60%.
Collector's Edition Item: Collector's Satchel. Increases Starter Bag Capacity to 24 Slots.
Collector's Edition Item: Shiny Lil' Trinket. Summons Bogling Wastrel Companion Pet.
Promotional Item: Ascended Gift Pack
Promotional Item: Crystalline Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Earth.
Promotional Item: RIFT Pre-order Companion Pet Choice: One Per Character.
Promotional Item: Shrouded Sourcestone Rune. Weapon Enchantment - Death.
River of Souls Event Reward Pack (a nice little gift for the river of souls event)
Rift 1:

Rift 2:

I also have the following accounts which I am the original owner of
Age of Conan (Has 600 Item Shop Points on Account)
Gods and Heroes
Runes of Magic (has 299 Crystals)
Final Fantasy XI Ultimate Collection: Abyssea Edition
FInal Fantasy XIV
Champions Online
CIty of Heroes
Guild Wars
let me know if any of those intrest you as well. All of them I will trade for a Starcraft 2 CD-Key or Account. It doesn't have to be a high level Account as I will be starting fresh.
As far as selling them I will sell all of them as a bundle for $70.00 USD.
Thank you for looking and have yourself a wonderful night.
*Edit* I didn't mean to put the + in the title sorry if it was misleading.