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24 Games

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2 Years of Service - Member since 15'th May 2013

Pillar of Community

Adept Accumulator



Dota 2 (Items worth over 20$ + 237 hours of gameplay + Level 10 (or higher) + Dota 2 Premium DLC + Dota 2 Workshop Tools DLC *Default* but it goes for free now  )

Left 4 Dead 2 (With tons of items) - 13,99€

Sniper Elite V2 - 27.99€

Strife (Level 13, Malady Skin and 2 stars, Claudesa and Hale with 1 star, 1470pvp rating, 0 leaves, 2 pets, 2k feathers, 98gems, 1434 botles, 51 ladder point in Bronze with 18 wins)

Anomaly: Warzone Earth 9.99€

Jet Gunner - 3.99€

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi 8.99€

Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition 4.16€

Bientôt l'été - 9.99€

Blockstorm 6.99€

Dead Bits - 0.24€

Crash Time II 6.99€

Dynamite Jack 3.99€

Enclave 4.99€

Frozen Heart 13.99€

KAMI 3.99€

Knights and Merchants 6.99€

KnightShift 6.99€

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player----->+ 17.99€ 

Rising Storm + Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer ---------------/\

Royal Quest - Free to Play

Rush Bros 9.99€

Sengoku 9.99€

Two Worlds: Epic Edition 9.99€


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