4 fingers and counting...


New Member
Sorry if it's not okay to post this, lock this if it's not, thanks.

I just lost sensitivity in 2 more fingers. I can barely feel them/with them, it's extremely difficult for me to move them and they like to spaz out when they want.

I've tried everything to recover their sensitivity, from smacking them with heavy things to bending them backwards (I couldn't at the end), and it wasn't until I cut one of them a bit with a really sharp knife until I felt something.

I did all that because I don't know what the hell is wrong with them, and I'm hella scared D:

My other 2 fingers have been insensitive for the whole summer, since June...

Anyone know anything about this? How can I get them back, or why did they lose their sensitivity? :(


You need to visit a doctor. I don't think anybody here is a doctor and I don't think we can help you any more than a doctor can.

I hope you get better!


New Member
Thanks Kirby, but my doctor is on vacations, and I'd need to do a lot of things to get another one. He will return soon anyway...

I hate that when he goes on vacations and they don't send a substitute :/


New Member
Is there no medical professional you can speak to quickly Kurrus? Do you have access to a nurse at school? As you've had the symptoms for so long, I am quite concerned. It sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome, so you really should get it looked at promptly.


New Member
Thanks Becky, my mom phoned my doctor, he will be back quite soon now.

Also, I looked for the carpal tunnel syndrome in Wikipedia, and saw this:

In early stages of CTS individuals often mistakenly blame the tingling and numbness on restricted blood circulation and they believe their hands are simply "falling asleep".

That's exactly what happened to me. At first, when I stopped feeling my first 2 fingers, I blamed it on my hand falling asleep, then as the time passed I started to feel my fingers less, up to a point (now) where I barely notice anything with them. However, the 2 fingers wich lost their sensitivity today can still feel certain things, specially strong hits agaisnt hard materials, and I got the "sleeping hands" sensation permanently...

Good thing my right hand is the one I can still feel a bit with...

Thanks for the support, it makes me feel much better :friends:


New Member
I see a pun..

I see a bump, lol.

But anyway, thanks for bump'n, I can now give a status report as well :p

I asked my medic, and he told me to use one of those antistress balls you can press with your hands to relieve stress. He told me also to use the fingers I lost the sensitivity of a lot. I forgot exactly when, but they're all right now. Though I'm now addicted to antistress balls, lol.

So, yeah, thread is done.