7thCav~GarryOwen has now opened it's doors, and is accepting new applications. Though we are a "new" clan, we most certainly aren't "new" to the clan experience here in Combat Arms. The current, 5 original members, were part of another well established clan in CA. We just decided to branch out and start another clan from the ground up, with a little different mindset toward the clan structure overall.
::What We Expect::
1.) Clean-Legit Play! We do not and will not cheat in any way shape or form, this includes but is not limited to Hacking, Glitching, & Power Leveling. If you have EVER been caught cheating in any fashion, you will not be a part of this clan.
2.) Maturity! We have an age requirement, and we expect everyone to act their age and be mature.
3.) Have Fun.....This is just a game afterall. Though anyone can get worked up when doing poorly, we have our fair bit of fun while in Pub rooms.
4.) Seriousness......Though we enjoy having fun in the Pub rooms, we also don't like to lose while in Clan Matches. Thus, we take those with a bit of a serious tone. To go with that, we hold 2 practice sessions a week.
5.) Teamwork! We work as a team, and we expect anyone coming into this clan to do so as well. Communication is a must.
::What We Require::
1.) DO NOT CHEAT!! Already explained before, and emphasized yet again.
2.) Must be 18+ years of age. This is to help in keeping the maturity level where we prefer it to be, and allow us to relate to one another better as a team.
3.) Must have a mic! We use Ventrilo for communication purposes, and if you don't have a mic you can't communicate.
4.) Must submit to a TeamView, as well as random TeamView's throughout your tenure with the clan.
5.) KDR of 1.0+, as well as a rank of SSG-2.
::NOTE:: Do realize that meeting all of these requirements does not in any way mean that you will be accepted.
One of the Admins will look over everything available, stat's wise, and we will then make a decision to move on further with the application (Add you to In Game messenger for a few questions) or to just deny the application. A decision will be reached on what direction to take within 48 hours of receiving the application.
To review the 7thCav~GarryOwen Clan Policy & TeamView Policy go to our website at 7thcavgarryowen.clangrid.com
Just Post your info here or on our website forum and we'll find you.