8 year old boy shoots 7 year old girl



New Member
nope..they blamed it on the dad...and he's sitting in jail right now..lol

how does it work? A kid can be sentenced right? but mroe than likely he'll go to juvy until he's 21? or is that only if you kill someone?


New Member
EMA said:
nope..they blamed it on the dad...and he's sitting in jail right now..lol

how does it work? A kid can be sentenced right? but mroe than likely he'll go to juvy until he's 21? or is that only if you kill someone?

That works because the dad had a loaded gun in his house and a little boy and girl running around.

=stupid fuck


New Member
if you educate them and LET THEM SHOOT it they wont be curious and try since they already will know whats going to happen when they pull the trigger


New Member
DiLLa said:
if you educate them and LET THEM SHOOT it they wont be curious and try since they already will know whats going to happen when they pull the trigger

thats right....and my mom said the exact same thing. I lived with my grandpa when i was in middle school..he collects old rifles and a few handguns. when i was in 6th grade he took me out to a shooting range and told me everything i needed to know about guns. He also let me shoot an old .22 he took. I have never thought about taking a gun to school much less let it leave the house, unless i'm going shooting. People who have kids should know better than to leave a friggin loaded gun where a little kid can get it. Thats jsut stupid...i hope he's put away fr a long time so he can think about what he did. As for the kid, he should have known better but he didn't bc his dad didn't tell him about guns...


New Member
Thats fucking stupid, you can show a 8 year old how to shoot all you want. But remember they are only 8 years old, we are talking about minds that don't really understand death and consequence. I am not antiguns but for ANY 8 year old to be holding a pistol period is what is wrong with this god damn country. An 8 year old should have toys, guns are not toys. Thats my point of view and I am not viewing this post again. Only a fool would think its ok for a kid to be comfortable with a gun.

Guns are for two things.
Hunting and war.
Both involve killing.
Both for adults only.
