A wish


New Member
If you could make one single wish... what would you wish for? It wouldn't have to be something realistic. Be creative, if necessary. I can pretty much imagine the people wishing to be extremely rich, but money alone isn't what brings happiness. For immortality, see an old thread about that in the Debate section.

To be honest, I'm not completely sure what I'd wish for. There are a small number of things or achievements I would like to reach some day (most of them which are on quite a realistic scale) such as eventually equalling the man I admire the most in his own work or writing a successful novel. Other things that came through my mind would not be directly related to myself but mostly focused on other people; those close to me. Getting my (arguably best) friend's life back on track, would probably be on the top of the list there - but not very unrealistic to do either. This all would probably be overshadowed if I could just turn back time a few years. I regret a lot of things from the past and I would give a lot to redo those things. But then I think about it, and remind myself of what a former football/soccer player once said:

I'm thinking sometimes that I could have gotten a lot more. But on the other hand, you shouldn't want to rewind the tape too often. - Teun Kist


New Member
Hmm... If I could make one single wish and it would come true, I would like to visit a fair amount of countries over like a few months.
To name a few; Holland, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland...
Hm. I never wish for myself. I usually make wishes that are selfless.
Ex. I wish for my friends to feel better.

(Isn't it amazing? I actually posted...since a very long time)


New Member
I would wish that the phrase "If you put your mind to it you will succeed"
would actually aply to me :) I actually dont want to wish for anything
else. Wishing is kind of empty in my opinion. (sept wishing for new legs and
getting them, or something similar)

Fladian i have a followup question for you:
"if you wish for something for youself, and it happens. Could you be as
happy as when you did it by hard work?"

And to quote the wallmart clerk in family guy, "dont pick the obvious one".

voices tell me to wish for a larger male body part


New Member
Fladian i have a followup question for you:
"if you wish for something for youself, and it happens. Could you be as
happy as when you did it by hard work?"
Depends on what it is.

But doing something by working instead of wishing for it always pays off beter. It gives a feeling of satisfaction. But still, I am not necessarily wishing to be anything instantly or getting something done immediately, I would rather wish for something that would eventually happen. As example, I mentioned in my post "writing a successful novel," which is something I would still have to do. I would still have to write it, but there is no guarantee that it will be liked.

voices tell me to wish for a larger male body part


New Member
Similar to my opinion. But i think that any wish of succes is in vain.
the only wishes that can make you happy are those that cannot be
accomplished any other way, or lame wishes, like "i wanno go too

Off topic: On writing my father once said:
"Its not that great, writing a book, its more fun having wrote one"
i often use that to motivate myself :)

voices are informed by email that there are pills to enlarge your male
member, now they can go back to conquering the the brain! muhahaha


New Member
One of the wishes I mentioned earlier, despite that I might be able to pull it through myself, I'd rather wish for it to happen instantly. Because as long as it doesn't happen, someone suffers from it dearly. It might be more satisfying if it is 'fixed' by hard work, but if it can be relieved earlier, than I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Oh and I don't get your father's quote.


New Member
Thats a nice one. I forgot that option. relieve suffering is always a good and nobel wish. Im trying to come up with a bad case senario...

:p my father meens that writing itself isnt that fun.
But its great to have finished a book/story. Beeing able to sell it, show
it, read it, tell it or just say to yourself "hey, this is great, i finished a book" The real fun begins when its finished.


New Member
One of my (best) friends experienced something extremely awful and her life has been one giant mess because of it. I have been striving to get her life back together. If I could get something like that done instantly, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

I don't agree with your father there. I love writing, and despite that the result might perhaps be enjoyable, the writing gives me just as much pleasure as seeing the final result. Writing is my passion and my love, if possible, I would love to do something with it in the (near) future. Therefore, I don't agree that "the real fun starts when it's finished."


New Member
I don't write to brag about my writing skills. Making the best use of them would be something to look forward to, so to say. A while ago, Erik (one of my best former school-friends) and I were being scolded regarding our project. It looked too "professional" and we suffered a high point loss for our project simply because of that reason. In all honestly, I'm not that good of a negotiator; back in the other project-group, we left such things to Franklin, who had a natural talent in it. I usually just let it go at me. Erik obviously wasn't pleased with it and complained about it.
The teacher assumed it was copied from the internet, alas the reason why it looked "professional." This was not the case, however. Erik graduated three years ago from a computer-related study course (which one, I'm not sure; I never asked) and was far more superior than any of the project groups when it came to making a good lay-out for our project, which the teacher wasn't aware of. Everything that was written in it, was my work. Both my vocabulary and grammar is far more superior than Erik and most other people in the project groups (vocabulary, yes, but grammar definitely not) simply because my hobby contains writing. Making good use of it. (on a side note, I don't think it got our grade up though)