Yeah yeah. You think bad clans such as Sadistic Gaming are good, we get it. They can talk the talk but when it comes to the battle field they're just plain trash. Egotistical asses brag the first chance they get, and not to mention they have horrible teamwork. During my decade of FPS, I can truly say that although they have slight gun skill, their teamwork needs, well, work.
-AbstracT- is where it's at. Top notch players that have been playing since July 2008 when Combat Arms came out are now dominating the clan wars in the channels. We're currently a level 4 Battalion, and we're active everyday. The members of -Abstrac
T- are chill, and we know how to work together. Many people in the clan even refer to each other by real name basis.
-AbstracT- is a team from many different clans, such as: -Last-Intention-, n3-Gaming, NWP Gaming., TeaM KroniK, and so forth.
We have a promising roster and great line-ups that have defeated PANDAmonium. and VerTu. The best of the best recognizes us as a major challenge to their team.
We are in WOGL, the World Online Gaming League, and we are in 2nd place in our division.
Necessities would be Ventrilo and teamview. We're a zero-tolerance hacking clan, and if you're caught you will be kicked. (Appeals are available.) Ventrilo is not only for gameplay, but people chill there all the time even when we're not playing CA. We're a very laidback clan, but we know when to buckle up and get cereal when we need to.
We have many spots open, but we're looking for top notch players. When you apply for -AbstracT-, please post the following information:
Age, FPS experience, KDR, and whether you have a mic or not.
You MAY post it here in this thread as well.
Team AbstracT: "We are the next generation of players. Better, faster, stronger, and undefeatable."
-AbstracT- is where it's at. Top notch players that have been playing since July 2008 when Combat Arms came out are now dominating the clan wars in the channels. We're currently a level 4 Battalion, and we're active everyday. The members of -Abstrac
-AbstracT- is a team from many different clans, such as: -Last-Intention-, n3-Gaming, NWP Gaming., TeaM KroniK, and so forth.
We have a promising roster and great line-ups that have defeated PANDAmonium. and VerTu. The best of the best recognizes us as a major challenge to their team.
We are in WOGL, the World Online Gaming League, and we are in 2nd place in our division.
Necessities would be Ventrilo and teamview. We're a zero-tolerance hacking clan, and if you're caught you will be kicked. (Appeals are available.) Ventrilo is not only for gameplay, but people chill there all the time even when we're not playing CA. We're a very laidback clan, but we know when to buckle up and get cereal when we need to.
We have many spots open, but we're looking for top notch players. When you apply for -AbstracT-, please post the following information:
Age, FPS experience, KDR, and whether you have a mic or not.
You MAY post it here in this thread as well.
Team AbstracT: "We are the next generation of players. Better, faster, stronger, and undefeatable."