

New Member
is it just me or is this an awesome deal..!?

2.93 ghz


New Member
Seems pretty good, what power supply are they offering though? I didn't see anything, and with that much stuff in their, I would suggest AT LEAST a 400W. Also, 1 gig of ram is what you want, and the ATI graphics cards that their offereing may not be the best for gaming.

On a different note:
I strongly recommend that anyone who wants a new computer go and pick up the latest issue of PC Gamer (#144, Holiday 2005, Volume 12 - Number 13). They show you how to build a kick ass dream machine for less than $1500. Also, you can swap some stuff out to bring it down to $1000. Check it out, its even got a full picture tutorial.


New Member
dilla i promise you that POS wont even play source

its a horrible deal please dont buy it...

ill be back to explain in a few moments, sry i dont have time at this moment


New Member
ok let me go down the list here, and to be honest this thing wouldnt even play cz very well

1. the proc is a p4 515. under intels new rating system all p4's are at least a 5xx and the lower the last 2 numbers the worse the chip.

2. 270W PSU that not even enough to ADD anything else, and it will barely run whats in there now. you couldnt add a graphics cards a sound card, or any other expansion card.

3. 256 MB of RAM. just to run windows its required that you ahve at LEAST 256 MB and recommended to ahve more

4. integrated graphics. that is a single statement that means that this pc has the ability to do nothing except surf the web

5. does this come with a monitor or were you planning to use your current one?

and lastly
6. you can upgrade your current system for less, and get better parts


New Member
{Iceman} said:
I strongly recommend that anyone who wants a new computer go and pick up the latest issue of PC Gamer (#144, Holiday 2005, Volume 12 - Number 13). They show you how to build a kick ass dream machine for less than $1500. Also, you can swap some stuff out to bring it down to $1000. Check it out, its even got a full picture tutorial.

Just upgrade your old one.


New Member
DiLLa said:
lol well i just saw the ghz and my mouth watered cuz my shit is 2.1 lol

i got my own vid card and mem already

that 915 chipset has a pcie port, my bets are you have an AGP card, and the processor is a p4-A which is a prescott that is set for a 133 FSB and does not support hyperthreading.


New Member
ua re right sir...i wsant serious about buying it i just pointed out i thought it was a good deal..apparently it wasnt heh