Alt+Tab=????? and were do screenshots go?


New Member
okay wierd thing happened today. dude told me to press alt tab amd then this mini screen apeeared and downloaded this stuff, and then it went away. also i cant remember which folder your Screen shots go. help me.:confused::confused:


New Member
I think your screen shots go to your C Drive. Then go to your Combat Arms (Nexon) folder and they'll be in there.


Active Member
Have you been pressing Print Screen to take screen-shots?

No matter what the screen-shots go to C:\Nexon\Combat Arms. If you are pressing Print Screen (AKA Prt Scrn), and nothing is showing up in the Combat Arms Folder then you have issues with your keyboard. To check if Print Screen is working, looking at your desktop, press print screen, go to Paint and go to Edit+Paste or press Ctrl+V, if nothing shows up your print screen button doesn't work. Unless you're using a laptop whick may require you to press FN+Prnt Scrn (I don't know if it does.. I don't use laptops often).