any onther game editors as powerfull as wc3 world edior?


New Member
are there any other game editors as power full and user friendly as wc3 world editor, if so plz list them and the game there for.


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Moved to Gaming.
As for editors, I'd say HoMM IV has a pretty powerful editor, but no where near as powerful as wc3.
Then again, I haven't used it in a LONG time.


New Member
So I heard as well... I am thinking of taking a try with the NVN-editor in a few days, when I have some (more) free time.

Doesn't Civilization and Age of Mythology and stuff has good editors too?


New Member
The only ones that I know of are VALVe's products; Hammer and Source sdk (Which I'm sure the Source sdk is very very powerfull and. It seemed pretty simple to me also. And Hammer is the tool that the game(s) Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source were mapped on ( or atleast I'm sure)), and The TES Construction set for oblivion/morrowind. Don't know how powerfull the Bethesda products are. I think Hammer is compatable with all of Valve's software though. Not sure. Those are also the only one's I have a fair ammount of experience with. Other than that i've messed around with the dinky age of empires 2 campaign editor and junk like that... :-\ Not sure how powerfull it was though...


New Member
The diablo II editors are alright. they're all third party, but im not sure if you are only concerned with editors that come with the game. once you download all the different tols, it's actually quite easy to change things. the data (items, abilities, item drops etc.) is kept in tabulated text format, and they have a special spreadsheet like thing for that. they have a special text editor, for editing the text in the game, like the names of the items, speech, locations etc. of course they also have converters, for the animations and what not. changing the animation "control" files (i forget the extension) is rather tricky though. you need a hex editor, and a tutorial. you just can't work it out for yourself. then there's the character editor, for once you have started a char and want to change, say, how much gold you have, what skills you have learned, what items you have on you, what quests you have done.

of course it's been years since i even touched the game, so they may have changed quite a few things. for more info: not sure if it's still alive though.


New Member
actualy by the sounds of these the serious sam editer is way more powerfull but defintly not user friendly, you need modeling skills to make a map


New Member
im not sure if you meant to type editors or if you misunderstood me but all thsoe functions i described are seperate .exe's. also, they were made by the fans of d2 and are not supported by blizzard. unlike the WE which was made by blizzard. the char editor is by far the most powerful/user friendly. however it can only edit your char once you have created one. it cannot edit anything inside the mpq's, thats what the other editors are for. they are very powerful (and small) but this means they lack user-friendly-ness. the only way of finding a mistake is by actually starting the game or going through everything you changed with a fine tooth comb.