Anyone like playing noobs once in a while?


I love having a challenging match all the time, but once in a while I end up playing with a bunch of noobs. The final score ends up like a hacker's score. I'm just wondering if anyone else likes playing noobs every once in a while, to ease the tension and have a bit of fun owning people.


New Member
I like challenges...But the people that play me are either a complete noob or much better than me by a wide margin.


New Member
at my current rank/skill level, i have a difficult time of finding games where im not called a hacker. So i usually end up playing noobs most of the time.


Active Member
i usually play n00bs when i wanna get in mood enough to play in pro games...but when i come across with my sis... oh cr*p!!...she pwn me all the time...but generally i play n00bs...only to get sum' fun owning them or just for sum'


Its fun playing noobs. Even if you own them, they don't know. I played a 2v2 100 kill match and one of the other team's player was a noob and finished the game on 2 kills and 25 deaths.


New Member
Its really funny when you vs a hacker that totally sucks, so they're spraying your gun at you, and you see them in your scope and you just own them with AWP XD


Its really funny when you vs a hacker that totally sucks, so they're spraying your gun at you, and you see them in your scope and you just own them with AWP XD

Today I played a glitcher who was in the walls in Warhead. He was laughing his head off until his head poped out of the wall and I headshotted him. He was like WTF???? Waller!!!!!!


New Member
lol same i like to play noobs just to warm me up cuz i get mad when my sniping is very off and im down alot in my deaths so yea i liek killing noobs


New Member
I can't stand playing noobs on a 140 kill elimination, they become so predictable. Always taking the same route and keeps running out of their base with nades in their hand. Their reaction is slow and can't hit moving target. I usually start to feel bad for them half way through the game and tells them to play the grunt server instead. But they are good for boosting your confidence and with confidence with usually play better.


Active Member
I can't stand playing noobs on a 140 kill elimination, they become so predictable. Always taking the same route and keeps running out of their base with nades in their hand. Their reaction is slow and can't hit moving target. I usually start to feel bad for them half way through the game and tells them to play the grunt server instead. But they are good for boosting your confidence and with confidence with usually play better.

dont worry dude...its ok feeling bad for noobs in very fast games...but..yeah...the time makes the masta...


Who would play a bunch of noobs in Junk Flea CTF? They always go the same way for the flag. Grab shoot recover touchdown=loads of EXP. I certainly would :p, though not all the time.