Armada pB recruiting


New Member
Armada PB is recruiting Combat Arms members!
Proven skills are not required
Requirements are:
#You are over 14
#Are willing to download, install and use Ventrilo to talk to your fellow clan mates
#You may join if you speak english

If you fulfill these requirements we are more then happy to put you on a probationary rank where we can watch your progress and weed out inactive or troublesome users. After you have finished your probationary period and you have become a member, you may use the Combat Arms Armada pB clan name. This will also allow you to scrim (war) with other teams.

Come to to register then visit the recruitment forums, read the stickys on how to post a recruitment application and give it within 24 hours you will be given the probationary rank. Any questions at all ask here at the nexon forums, Armada pB forums or jump on our ventrilo server given on our website and go to the recruitment section

Thanks, pred, Division Leader of Combat Arms