AVA weapon discussion

Well its inevitable that the topic of what guns to you like/dislike comes up so i'll start it.

M4a1: I like it. Works nicely low recoil, snap on the ACOG sight and BAM you've got a medium distance sniper (well sorta)

M16: i haven't bought it, but picking it up, i like it

Ak47: way too much recoil for me

MSGA1: i don't know whether i like it, it's ok, but i can't help feeling i would have been better off buying the 1SK sniper.

Your turn people!


M4a1 is my main weapon. Snap on a burst barrel and all the stability mods with precision trigger, and you have an excellent gun for any situation.

M16 - picked it up once, and was suprised by it, but it was some what cumbersome.

Ak47 - power with lots of recoil

M24 - decent sniper rifle, but you can't mod it.

MP5K-pdw = Modded out, this weapon is very precise, but lacks power. Great for cold case map.


New Member
m4a1-my main wep 2, decent power and rof and recoil, but it has alot more recoil then the one in combat arms o_O
M16-way better then i thought it was like, (considering a CA starter wep)i might try it out
Ak-47-to much recoil like in combat arms, but good fire power and ROF, but it is over used and might become the G36e in combat arms o_O
PP-19-large amout of ammo like in combat arms, but lacks fire power