New Member
Note: This tutorial will explain you the very basics of making a TD. This is in no way geared towards experienced modders but is made for the beginners within Warcraft III modding.
What is a TD?
TD stands for Tower Defense and is a genre of maps developed for the Warcraft III engine. In a TD your goal is to build towers to prevent creeps of reaching a certain destination.
So.. How do I create one?
A good way of starting on a TD is to firstly make the terrain you find fitting for your map and then determine the lanes and setting up the pathing system (the creeps movement).
Uhh right, so how do I do that?
To get the creeps to move from 1 place to another you will need to make regions at the desired locations and then trigger the movement like this (the Trigger Editor is located inbetween the Terrain Editor and the Sound Editor):
Ok done, now what?
Next is the actual trigger that spawns the "waves" as the levels of units is often called. It can be done like this:
In the above trigger it will spawn 40 Footmen instantly, if you do not want this to happen but want them spawning 1 at a time you can do it like this:
Right, so the regions and spawning is made, now what's next?
Next on the list should be finding out what to make of builders, towers and making the creeps, this is done within the Object Editor which is located inbetwen the Sound Editor and the Campaign Editor. You can also make triggered abilities for the towers but if you need help from this tutorial I suggest you wait with that untill a later time.
Right-o, I have made some towers, a builder and all the creeps, now what?
Adding the "lives" function is something that almost every TD has, atleast it is only a few which does not, so that is also included in here. Now I will show how you create the basic Leaderboard and putting in the lives function. Before you make the actual Leaderboard you have to make a variable like this one shown below to set the lives initial value.
Now when that is done you can move on to creating the Leaderboard and setting up everything that has to with lives and updating the Leaderboard.
Leaderboard made, is there anything more?
Most TD maps (atleast the decent ones) has it so you are able to sell your towers so here I will show a way it can be done.
Ability done, what's next?
Once you have succesfully made the Tower Selling ability I think you are covered in with the basic triggers, now you only need to make it so you win once last wave of units have been defeated. Good luck with your TD map!
What is a TD?
TD stands for Tower Defense and is a genre of maps developed for the Warcraft III engine. In a TD your goal is to build towers to prevent creeps of reaching a certain destination.
So.. How do I create one?
A good way of starting on a TD is to firstly make the terrain you find fitting for your map and then determine the lanes and setting up the pathing system (the creeps movement).
Uhh right, so how do I do that?
To get the creeps to move from 1 place to another you will need to make regions at the desired locations and then trigger the movement like this (the Trigger Editor is located inbetween the Terrain Editor and the Sound Editor):
Note: I will use Player 12 (Brown) as the "bad guys".
Movement Region 1
Unit - A unit enters Spawn Region
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of Region1)
Movement Region 2
Unit - A unit enters Region1
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of Region2)
Movement Region 3
Unit - A unit enters Region2
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of Region3)
Movement Region 4
Unit - A unit enters Region3
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of Region4)
Movement Region 5
Unit - A unit enters Region4
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of End Region)
<img width=\\"501\\" class=\\"attach\\" src=\\"http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/8416/pathing3gp.jpg\\" border='0' alt=\\"IPB Image\\" />
Note: This tutorial is mostly counting for none-mazing TD's. If you try to do a mazing TD with the same pathing system that I have done in the screenshot above this then the creeps will simply run past the towers, to prevent this from happening have the area being walled in or raised. [/b]
Ok done, now what?
Next is the actual trigger that spawns the "waves" as the levels of units is often called. It can be done like this:
Wave 1
Time - Elapsed game time is 30.00 seconds
Unit - Create 40 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Spawn Region) facing 0.00 degrees[/b]
In the above trigger it will spawn 40 Footmen instantly, if you do not want this to happen but want them spawning 1 at a time you can do it like this:
Wave 1
Time - Elapsed game time is 30.00 seconds
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Spawn Region) facing 0.00 degrees
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Spawn Region) facing 0.00 degrees
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Spawn Region) facing 0.00 degrees
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Spawn Region) facing 0.00 degrees
Right, so the regions and spawning is made, now what's next?
Next on the list should be finding out what to make of builders, towers and making the creeps, this is done within the Object Editor which is located inbetwen the Sound Editor and the Campaign Editor. You can also make triggered abilities for the towers but if you need help from this tutorial I suggest you wait with that untill a later time.
Right-o, I have made some towers, a builder and all the creeps, now what?
Adding the "lives" function is something that almost every TD has, atleast it is only a few which does not, so that is also included in here. Now I will show how you create the basic Leaderboard and putting in the lives function. Before you make the actual Leaderboard you have to make a variable like this one shown below to set the lives initial value.

Now when that is done you can move on to creating the Leaderboard and setting up everything that has to with lives and updating the Leaderboard.
Note: The below triggers is for a Solo TD life system and is only setted up for Player 1 (Red).
Setup Leaderboard
Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
Leaderboard - Create a leaderboard for (All players) titled Lives
Leaderboard - Add Player 1 (Red) to (Last created leaderboard) with label Lives and value Lives
Leaderboard - Change the color of all labels for (Last created leaderboard) to (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
Leaderboard - Show (Last created leaderboard)
Life Lost
Unit - A unit enters End Region
(Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Set Lives = (Lives - 1)
Unit - Remove (Entering unit) from the game Leaderboard - Change the value for Player 1 (Red) in (Last created leaderboard) to Lives
Game - Display to Lives the text: (( + ((Name of (Entering unit)) + has reached the end! )) + ((String(Lives)) + chances left))
Trigger - Run Defeat (checking conditions)
Defeat Trigger
None (it is a trigger that is run by the 'Life Lost' trigger)
Lives Less than or equal to 0
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game)
Game - Defeat Player 1 (Red) with the message: Defeat![/b]
Leaderboard made, is there anything more?
Most TD maps (atleast the decent ones) has it so you are able to sell your towers so here I will show a way it can be done.
Tower Selling
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Sell Tower
Player - Add ((Point-value of (Casting unit)) / xxx) to (Owner of (Casting unit)) Current gold
Unit - Remove (Casting unit) from the game[/b]
Ability done, what's next?
Once you have succesfully made the Tower Selling ability I think you are covered in with the basic triggers, now you only need to make it so you win once last wave of units have been defeated. Good luck with your TD map!