New Member
Selling a merged US World of Warcraft Account with 3 accounts, plus Starcraft II.
Level 85 Goblin Shaman
Level 85 Undead Warrior
Account is merged with:
I can be contacted as on msn, or blackclaw1212 on skype.
Price is negotiable.
Paypal only.
MIddleman service preffered.
Level 85 Goblin Shaman
Level 85 Undead Warrior
- Have most Heirlooms, except for the pirate ring, and MoP's new leg armor.
- Goblin Shaman has full non-elite season 11 arena cataclysmic set, transmogged to look like ZA/ZG troll gear atm.
- 1700 Rated BG Blood Guard title.
- Most Cataclysm guild rewards.
- Both have violet proto-drake from doing all holiday events.
- Also a Lvl 83 Troll Death Knight and lvl 71 Tauren Druid on same account.
Account is merged with:
- a 2nd WoW cataclysm account w/ lvl 80 Orc Rogue
- a WotLK account ( 'Battle Chest' status nowadays)
- a SC2 account with untouched multiplayer stats.
I can be contacted as on msn, or blackclaw1212 on skype.
Price is negotiable.
Paypal only.
MIddleman service preffered.