Battlefield 2 patch


New Member
From the battlefield 2 official forum.

Firstly, sorry I have been away for so long, its been a busy time. So here as per request in a number of threads here is an update to where we are with 1.50.
Yes its still coming
We have been working on a few things to do with DRM as old versions of Battlefield 2 use an old version of SafeDisc
We have had a number of last minute hacks appear which we have made fixes for to help stabalise the servers.
We have a minor issue to solve with the Chinese version of the game.
While I can't give an exact date, we are aiming to release our first Beta towards the end of April '09 as long as everything else goes well.

The new patch will include a balance fix to even out the J10 fighter jet, which has been proven to have a great advantage over other aircraft in the game. A new map, which will also be added in the Battlefield 2142 version has also been confirmed. The name of the map has not been released, however, an overhead view of the layout can be seen below:

Amongst many other changes, the patch will also include a new account verification feature to prevent cheating, which is causing a lot of problems in the current game.

We have included a new account verification process to make sure the player is who they say they are. Server security and stability changes have been made as well as closing off other cheats based around the Commander assets. We don’t want to give away too much with what we have done to prevent cheating as we don’t want to give the upper hand back to the cheats.

