BF: V problem


New Member
check out my trouble with vietnam and tell me if you can help:


btw, its NOT driver, un/reinstall, or my machine's ability to run
such a game as it worked fine 3 months ago.

any help would be most appreciated. thx.


New Member

are you referrign to the white triangles or the 2 lins of code in white?

if its the triangles, do what worm said, also, and this is very speculated, but ive seen that happen b4 and i forget wut game but it was specular tearing by the 3d card, usually happens when its gettng overworked, check out your 3d vard for a newer driver. turn down some settings maybe.



New Member
the triangles, and you are the 3rd person to say it may be vid card probs
related to heat or bad hardware. thx for the info and plz throw any other
ideas my way.