bishes im here


Jordan B

Active Member
Lol. Nothing wrong with a .tk DOMAIN . You don't get .tk forums, you ignorant prat. Grow up.

They only person most people respect here is. . . . . Well, let's just say it aint you.

And my forum is for my clan, jackass. MY clan. Most successful New Zealand Clan in Combat arms.

Jordan B

Active Member
Shhhhhh :D

My clan mates are too lazy to sign up. I keep hassling them.

Then again, that's New Zealanders for you. Too Bloody lazy to do anything.


New Member
Bloody Kiwis.

That being said, Vault, I believe a famous person once said...

Why don't you make like a tree.

And get the fook out.

Punch yourself in the dick as the door hits you in the ass. I hear that helps.