


New Member
well tonight at work i got hit on by customers 3 different times and i was only there for 3 hours.
i think thats a new record for me.

is that interesting enough?
i figured it would spike your interest considering you are the perv.


New Member
caitlin said:
well tonight at work i got hit on by customers 3 different times and i was only there for 3 hours.
i think thats a new record for me.

is that interesting enough?
i figured it would spike your interest considering you are the perv.

wish i could just go to work for 3 hours...i'm stuck there for 12


New Member
so i was coming home today on the highway and I keep a safe distance between me and the car in front of me doing mmm around 80. I see brake lights ahead and peoples backends lifting up from stopping to fast..its always a habit for me when i brake somewhat hard i look in the rear view, and whaddya know a ford explorer is coming behind me WAYYYY to fast so I drop it in 2nd go to the emergency lane, missing the car in front of me by about 2 to 4 inches give or take cuz it happened so fast i really dont kno but it lookd that close and he slams the guy who used to be in front of me...WOW TO THAT SHIT


New Member
GJ DILLA! If they would have ran into you, it would have been their fault and u would have got some $$$$.

Perv, " I SEE YOUR CAMEL TOE!!!!!"


New Member
that's bad ass you had the piece of mind to actually get out of the lane. i'd have just prayed and became a VW Golf sandwhich. And sure..i would have been paid....but it would suck a dick to have to deal with not having a car for however long it took.


New Member
Shit, we almost lost him. He's one of our best awpers!

Humor aside, glad youre ok and hope they didn't fuck up the poor bastard in front of you too much.


New Member
So Punx helped to develope those LIGHTING FAST reflexes that probably saved your life....

You look in the mirror and subconsciencely see a terrorist, so you slam it down into burstfire, dive into the emergency shrubbery bush, BOOM someone stole your headshot....


New Member
or you could have always amx_rocket_FordExplorer and all problems would have been solved.

but then mabye god would have ban'd you for admin abuse...