

New Member
hey guys, its 2loud, i am at boarding school, i am on a mac computer plan and i had to have my gaming computer taken away, sorta sucks but, w/e i have to use this mac ibook (g4) its not really that bad, but, i'll cya in cz in... 4 weeks.. near thanksgiving. :( have fun, make good choices, get loaded and shit, peace


New Member
yeh, its like, super duper small, i i think i could accually fit it in my pocket... nah, jk, but i mean, i have classes, then i do shit for school, and then after that i have like dinner and then i come back to my dorm, have like a fuckin meeting and shit (i am still having orientation(sp?) and stuff right now, just got the computer a while ago) so like i sit around from 9 to 10:30 and i like can't do anything, and plus i can't play games.... bull shit, they said i could and now i can't so w/e, sorry if i have been repeating myself, i am just a little bored right now, i am going to go hang out with the guys now, focker out!


New Member
yes, loudboy it is total bs, i get like sick from the food now, even tho it is like the best food i have ever had, and also loudboy, they have a thing about me leaving the campus and ppl (friends) coming onto campus, u have to like sign forums and get ur dorm parents to sign and ur parents and u and ur parents, its all a load of bs.... and now, i have found that everything that the school has said, is bs we aren't like allowed to do anything they said when i shadowed, so now i am having the most shittiest time... fuck this, i want to go home (never thought i'd say that) i want to play cz, see my friends and be happy, i hate this right now. but i am going to suck it up and move on thru the year and hope it gets better, w/e guys, i will see u later.... :(


New Member
oh yeh, i forgot, all u guys better get a fuckin headshot for me, i can't shoot anyone for a while unless i go completely crazy go into town and buy a gun from the hunting shop and fuckin shoot my room mates!!!!!!! but... no, i am calm. and bored. and i just got my school picture taken buhbye