Bunch o' Art


New Member
Figured I could post some of my latest art.. might help the activity a bit. Something more to discuss.





More can be found here: condragonskull.deviantart.com
And here: dragonskull.co.nr

Critisism encouraged. ^_^


New Member
First one is....good....uh, not much to say about that one. Freaky though.

The set of sigs with the girl I don't like the flipped ones or the text placement. I think your text should be somewhere less busy.

The crazy colours one, well I suppose you're going for opposing colours, but that's all I dislike about it. The B & W one is cool. I think maybe you could add a bit to the sig though, it just seems to me that the background is so boring...but hey that could be what you wanted.

Finally, the last one is nice, but maybe smooth out that lump in the right leg a bit. EDIT: Oh, and her left arm seems too pudgy compared to her right.

Cool stuff, I like it.


New Member
First is great, guess this is on the limits of being Blizzard related but I'll let it be. Keep them coming! Do you spend much time drawing / painting on paper or in the computer?


New Member
Thanks, I'll fix up Cassandra a bit. I had the feeling her left arm was a bit thicker than the right. :p

Yeah, I know Arkidas, which is why wasn't quite sure whether to post it or not in the beginning. Then I figured, maybe I could let it sneak in if I use the Tavern. ^_^

I don't spend as muhc time as I'd like. Probably a few hours every week. What I draw on really depends on where I am. If I am home, I usually draw with my Wacom on the computer. If I'm at school, it's pen in the notebook and if I am someplace else with access to pen/pencil and paper - that's what I draw on. :p