Can you say stackage?


New Member

Plus, Curry and me are on top!!! Oh Yeah!!!


New Member

i think hes referring to all the lo3 and punx members on the ct side, not the actual score, the fact that somehow daddy and worm killed each other, or the two 0/0 scores on t side.


New Member
Re: .....

DigitalSword said:
i think hes referring to all the lo3 and punx members on the ct side, not the actual score, the fact that somehow daddy and worm killed each other, or the two 0/0 scores on t side.

Your right Digi, I was just referring to the fact that there were so many PuNx, Lo3, and LrK members on one team. Man, that autoselect must be having a bad day, lol. 8)


New Member
Re: .....

{Iceman} said:
DigitalSword said:
i think hes referring to all the lo3 and punx members on the ct side, not the actual score, the fact that somehow daddy and worm killed each other, or the two 0/0 scores on t side.

Your right Digi, I was just referring to the fact that there were so many PuNx, Lo3, and LrK members on one team. Man, that autoselect must be having a bad day, lol. 8)

Yeah it looks even enough to me considering the map favors the T's. Doesn't matter how many clan members you have. There are plenty of non-clan guys that could flatten any of us.


New Member
awww was clan staked......but the good news is I got 2 chickies over here rightz now so I'm goin to tend to them......hehehehehe :D

- [-.-t] :twisted:


New Member
I have a weird all day or all night.....and dem 2 chickies are my roomiez man.......and fouloicecream iz for lamerz......i quit goin to BG almost 7 yearz ago......

- [-.-t] :twisted: