Chavez: U.S. will 'bite the dust' if it invades


New Member
Chavez: U.S. will 'bite the dust' if it invades

"If someday they get the crazy idea of coming to invade us, we'll make them bite the dust defending the freedom of our land," Chavez said to applause.

Chavez called the United States the "most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world."

More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of U.S. President George W. Bush, chanting "Get out Bush!" Other students chanted: "Bush, fascist -- you're a terrorist!"

Makes me feel good to be an American.

Ramon Knight

New Member
The GOP 'politically correct' answer is the following:

"our country is wonderful in that these people realize that they have the liberty to protest against the government as they wish. however, president bush and our political leaders happen to disagree with them".

Basically - 'whine all you want, bishes, we pwn j00'.


New Member
haha, i think i read this story on CNN this morning. is it really a
story? or a non-story? i cant tell but i like chavez's retort.