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Hey Everyone-


I represent the clan "Gorkha Soldiers." The clan was founded by the inspiration of the brave and the legendary Gorkha soldiers who fought courageously in 18th century, World War I and World War II. We follow the same code of conduct as Gorkha's did then i.e Honesty, bravery, loyalty and sincerity.Despite Combat Arms being just a computer game we do maintain higher standards while recruiting members and  playing any games. We created this clan to promote the name of Gorkha's worldwide at the same time play combat arms with like minded individuals.

I would say that it makes me really proud to be part of a legit, mature, skilled and an active clan who work hard not on wining every game but developing strategy and formation. I would take it one step further by saying that I'm surrounded by the most friendly, generous and humorous members that have made by game experience in Combat Arms even better.

We are currently recruiting, so if you are interested then please follow the procedure below.

1. Go to the website

2. Read and understand all the rules properly (we are really serious and strict about it).

3. Meet the criteria mentioned at the bottom of the page. Will not accept you if you do not meet the criteria.

4. Join the chatroom where you will find me or Centuri0n(our Ldr) or even our admins(ChemicalFlux,Killakahn and BlackMono) and can ask questions if you have one.

5. If we am not in the chatroom or we'r afk  then please post your application in the "New Applicant" Section of our forums. Below are the thing that you need to put in your application.

      i) Your In game name. If you have a lower rank then please post your Rank and KD.

     ii) Mention that you have read the rules and you accept it. Also state that you  are willing to face the consiquences if you break them.

    iii)Give us few reason on, why you want to join our clan? There are other clans out there but what interests you about our clan? *

    iv) If you are leaving your existing clan, tell us why you are leaving them? (Give atleast two reasons) *

    v) Mention your faviorate map and mode, explain your game style. such as,  sniping or close quaters or both?

    * = Optional

Thank you for reading this. Bumps are appreciated.
