r0khan Says Hi and More!
Some things about game industry!
Hey, Its been a while since i've been back here since unfortunate incidents b4 but w/e =). I still remember my Blizzard Roots, and those old games I used to play like Pitfall when I was a kid, amazed by N64 007.
But i'm here to say I still remember you all and I hope you remember our project. I hope you all know how difficult it is to make a mmorpg.. Massive teams, scripting, modeling and more. But with the dedication of my team which has driven me to continue ( Though I was never intending to leave ^^ )
Many forums, I have told about my game and all say. "Most are created but never finish due to inactivity and loss of intrest" But I have to tell you, my recent time watching my team create beautiful work has inspired me even more. I have gone out of my way to spend money, get ready to get a job to afford servers for testing and players. Also constant activity at forums to help promote our newly founded project, and currently redesigning the site with CSS.
I know you all say talk is cheap, but to succeed is different. I can tell you, even though our MMORPG may seem like a whole bunch of differently listed games on MMORPG.com and more. But I have to tell you, That my team means alot more to me then you can imagine. Everytime someone joins, in my view there invited to my family.
(graduation music)
I created this post not to recruit people but to show you that I do mean buisness. And to all those wanting to create your own video games. You dont need a huge 20+ team, You dont need highly talented and skinned textures that look like a professional made it. Everyone in the industry is looking for talent, not those that can brown-nose there way up. But show that they are willing to learn.
Just cause im developing a MMORPG, which really isnt a big deal. I still want to learn, everyday I view game development sites buying software and learning to hone my skills with them so I can ONE DAY create a portfolio of a game I designed back in the days and show the people that I created something that was important to me, I listened to to the community and I designed what I viewed from previous MMO's and Games that I hated threw those out then added what I think the MMO's should be like. Even though some games are very similar, You have what it takes to create a beautiful game without using the idea's of others.
Now without further ado, I want to talk about my game =).
Chronicles of Strife
Medieval Online Game with my idea's, my teams, and my communities!
Since the beginning, we have added many people to our team. Which all one day hope to add this to there buisness applications, portfolio's and more.
We finally have some sort of a team, with more users sending me emails every once in a while wanting to join. We understand people have lives, well some may not =) but back to the point. Everyone should never stress themselves to do something they love.
We finally have some people you might know, Mecheon, Werewulf, Shigee, Xerandius,Dragonskull, ElectricSaiyan, Benx_x, XUchiha_ItachiX
Our work
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/newd5.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/newd2.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/NewDragon5.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d52/alexk13/Shield5.png\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
Visit our site to see more since I dont wanna turn this into a laggy topic with millions of pics.
Also visit our affiliate =) http://z13.invisionfree.com/Modelers_Inc
Also people wanting to learn good modeling, bump maps, texturing and more just contact me or shigee at...
And we will set you up at Claniac3D Bootcamp and get u reerin into gear and invitation to team =)
Remember all, and most team leaders a very important thing.
I'd rather have a person wanting to learn, then a person who's to full of themselves.
Some things about game industry!
Hey, Its been a while since i've been back here since unfortunate incidents b4 but w/e =). I still remember my Blizzard Roots, and those old games I used to play like Pitfall when I was a kid, amazed by N64 007.
But i'm here to say I still remember you all and I hope you remember our project. I hope you all know how difficult it is to make a mmorpg.. Massive teams, scripting, modeling and more. But with the dedication of my team which has driven me to continue ( Though I was never intending to leave ^^ )
Many forums, I have told about my game and all say. "Most are created but never finish due to inactivity and loss of intrest" But I have to tell you, my recent time watching my team create beautiful work has inspired me even more. I have gone out of my way to spend money, get ready to get a job to afford servers for testing and players. Also constant activity at forums to help promote our newly founded project, and currently redesigning the site with CSS.
I know you all say talk is cheap, but to succeed is different. I can tell you, even though our MMORPG may seem like a whole bunch of differently listed games on MMORPG.com and more. But I have to tell you, That my team means alot more to me then you can imagine. Everytime someone joins, in my view there invited to my family.
(graduation music)
I created this post not to recruit people but to show you that I do mean buisness. And to all those wanting to create your own video games. You dont need a huge 20+ team, You dont need highly talented and skinned textures that look like a professional made it. Everyone in the industry is looking for talent, not those that can brown-nose there way up. But show that they are willing to learn.
Just cause im developing a MMORPG, which really isnt a big deal. I still want to learn, everyday I view game development sites buying software and learning to hone my skills with them so I can ONE DAY create a portfolio of a game I designed back in the days and show the people that I created something that was important to me, I listened to to the community and I designed what I viewed from previous MMO's and Games that I hated threw those out then added what I think the MMO's should be like. Even though some games are very similar, You have what it takes to create a beautiful game without using the idea's of others.
Now without further ado, I want to talk about my game =).
Chronicles of Strife
Medieval Online Game with my idea's, my teams, and my communities!
Since the beginning, we have added many people to our team. Which all one day hope to add this to there buisness applications, portfolio's and more.
We finally have some sort of a team, with more users sending me emails every once in a while wanting to join. We understand people have lives, well some may not =) but back to the point. Everyone should never stress themselves to do something they love.
We finally have some people you might know, Mecheon, Werewulf, Shigee, Xerandius,Dragonskull, ElectricSaiyan, Benx_x, XUchiha_ItachiX
Our work

<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/newd5.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/newd2.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j202/werewulf15/COS%20Models%20and%20Betas/NewDragon5.jpg\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d52/alexk13/Shield5.png\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
Visit our site to see more since I dont wanna turn this into a laggy topic with millions of pics.
Also visit our affiliate =) http://z13.invisionfree.com/Modelers_Inc
Also people wanting to learn good modeling, bump maps, texturing and more just contact me or shigee at...
And we will set you up at Claniac3D Bootcamp and get u reerin into gear and invitation to team =)
Remember all, and most team leaders a very important thing.
I'd rather have a person wanting to learn, then a person who's to full of themselves.