Hi all,
After much thought and deliberation, I've decided to sell my Steam account after many years of fun, nostalgia and joy it has bought me. According to SteamCalc, I've spent $719 on it and looking around at previous posts here I'm not sure what to ask for it - if you PM me then I'll get back to you a.s.a.p!!
Here is some information about the account:
8 Digit
VAC Clean
Original E-Mail
No ban histories
Verified to my E-Mail
0 Game Time / 0 Game Time past 2 weeks
My Rules:
I will not go first.
Payment is VIA Paypal only.
I do not hold any responsibilities after the trade.
We will use an Official Middleman if you do not want to go first.
If you're NOT PayPal Verified, be ready to have proof that it is your own PayPal.
When buying, please send as a "Gift" with a note saying: "I am buying a virtual item and I will not dispute this transaction in any kind of way."
List of games :
City of Heroes : Going Rogue EU
Commander Keen Complete Pack
Doom 3
Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil
Doom II : Hell on Earth
EVE Online: Incarna
Final Doom
Football Manager 2009
Football Manager 2010
Football Manager 2011
Football Manager 2012
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grend Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
GTA3 : San Andreas Mac
GTA3 : Vice City Mac
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Death Match
Half Life 2 : Lost Coast
Heretic : Shadow of the Serpent Riders
HeXen II
HeXen : Beyond Heretic
HeXen : Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Lego Star Wars Saga
Master Levels for Doom 2
Portal 2
Quake II
Quake II : Ground Zero
Quake II : The Reckoning
Quake III Arena
Quake III : Team Arena
Quake Mission Pack 1 : Scourge of Armagon
Quake Mission Pack 2 : Dissoultion of Eternity
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Sid Meier's Civilization IV (2 copies)
Sid Meier's Civilization V
The Sims 3
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 (Beta)
The Ultimate Doom
Unreal Gold
Unreal II : The Awakening
Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament : Game of the Year Edition
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein 3D : Spear of Destiny
Thanks for looking!
After much thought and deliberation, I've decided to sell my Steam account after many years of fun, nostalgia and joy it has bought me. According to SteamCalc, I've spent $719 on it and looking around at previous posts here I'm not sure what to ask for it - if you PM me then I'll get back to you a.s.a.p!!

Here is some information about the account:
8 Digit
VAC Clean
Original E-Mail
No ban histories
Verified to my E-Mail
0 Game Time / 0 Game Time past 2 weeks
My Rules:
I will not go first.
Payment is VIA Paypal only.
I do not hold any responsibilities after the trade.
We will use an Official Middleman if you do not want to go first.
If you're NOT PayPal Verified, be ready to have proof that it is your own PayPal.
When buying, please send as a "Gift" with a note saying: "I am buying a virtual item and I will not dispute this transaction in any kind of way."
List of games :
City of Heroes : Going Rogue EU
Commander Keen Complete Pack
Doom 3
Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil
Doom II : Hell on Earth
EVE Online: Incarna
Final Doom
Football Manager 2009
Football Manager 2010
Football Manager 2011
Football Manager 2012
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grend Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
GTA3 : San Andreas Mac
GTA3 : Vice City Mac
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Death Match
Half Life 2 : Lost Coast
Heretic : Shadow of the Serpent Riders
HeXen II
HeXen : Beyond Heretic
HeXen : Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Lego Star Wars Saga
Master Levels for Doom 2
Portal 2
Quake II
Quake II : Ground Zero
Quake II : The Reckoning
Quake III Arena
Quake III : Team Arena
Quake Mission Pack 1 : Scourge of Armagon
Quake Mission Pack 2 : Dissoultion of Eternity
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Sid Meier's Civilization IV (2 copies)
Sid Meier's Civilization V
The Sims 3
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 (Beta)
The Ultimate Doom
Unreal Gold
Unreal II : The Awakening
Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament : Game of the Year Edition
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein 3D : Spear of Destiny
Thanks for looking!