New Member
Okay so i didn't have any internet last night. So i started to play COD2..i think its the coolest fucking game i've ever played. I think i'm almost done...D day was insane....grr i loved it i stayed up till 8:30am playing the thing i couldn't stop. Russia is fuxd up. Yeah...deff the coolest game...And i love the little military channel clips in between the missions and stuff. I suggest you people who dont hvae it go and get it and play it now! I hate history but this is making me want!


New Member
thats how i got addicted to battlefield. the accuracy of 1942 to this day
amazes me. then Vietnam, too sweet. the nostalgia, like when that lady
is talking to you in downtown lang vei telling me that my pilots are going
to napalm me and shit, gives me goose bumps. or im on my belly behind
some sand bags in the south pacific and i hear tne enemy's radio go off in
japanese about something only to find out he is on the other side of the
sandbags waiting for me to peek..... insane. i should bring my dad's copy
of COD2 up to charlotte.


New Member
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I can't wait for exams to be over. First thing I'm doing after my last exam (bio, ick) going out, getting it, then whooping the Jerry's.


New Member
ROFL i got so tired of hearing those british fuckers saying jerry....

i can install a copy of cod2 on anyones pc in charlotte for 5 bucks!

and you wont need the cd after the install


New Member
DiLLa said:
ROFL i got so tired of hearing those british fuckers saying jerry....

i can install a copy of cod2 on anyones pc in charlotte for 5 bucks!

and you wont need the cd after the install



New Member
dilla a freindly reminder that while piracy is bad, pirating software, THEN selling it is worse, so allow people to install a copy, but charge them 5 bucks to do maintnance on the pc


New Member
Casualty said:
dilla a freindly reminder that while piracy is bad, pirating software, THEN selling it is worse, so allow people to install a copy, but charge them 5 bucks to do maintnance on the pc



New Member
uhh yeh thats wha i meant i would give them a copy for free..and install it for them and make sure it works right for 5 bucks? :lol:


New Member
brothers in arms

does anyone think its a good game worth playing? I have it sitting here and i'm debating whether i wanna play it after COD2...


New Member
I played COD2 on PS2 and it was TOUGH. The fucking slow analog stick horizontal vertical axis shit is so ridiculous to me - gimme a mouse! I fucked with the sensitivity and got it pretty good. By the time we hit Africa I was bustin' heads.

Then I had to make the switch back to CZ - playing FPS games on consoles always remind me why CZ is so great. The movement of the game makes it. It's be nice if you could actually lay down too, but you can't have everything.. But yeah, FPS consoles are so s l o w.

I think I'm getting back in my late-nite groove - just gotta stay away from the Tiger.


New Member
i think the hardest part was gettig and clearing out Hill 400...i love the COD me like me's deff a nice little break from CZ