
New Member
Well go figure, I work 11 1/2 hour shifts Tuesday thru Sunday and I have 1 day off (Monday....for the mentally challenged ones).....and the server is fukin empty....Max was 9 on 9 around 6:30PM. At midnight EST we played 3 on 3.
My question: WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYBODY?????????????
All of you have exams??????


New Member
I think everyone is pissed about the lag... I think Defender is on that, he told me last night he would fix it.... I dunno...

plus a lot of people may of had cheats running and stop playing here cause of HLGuard.... there is a strong chance on that...


New Member
I for one have not played much in the past days due to some things going on around home that have had me stressed out. I just had the wind knocked out of me for the past few days, but I'll be playing a bit more in the evenings.


New Member
lo3smokey said:
yeah seems like alot of people stop comein after HL guard and the lag started

well then I guess HL guard is doin it`s job, I wont complain , as for the lag, I really don`t get it too much I bounce between 30-70, sometimes I`ll spike to 200 but that`s rare.


New Member
I've been bounced from 22-27 to about 500 or even 1500. For me it looks like I have a connection problem, while 4-5 other people go around the map killing all the people who are lagging. =(


New Member
Since Def. claimed to have killed the lag monster...I've had almost no lag problems. I get a constant 30-40 ping. Last night, 5-17, around 11pm I got the connection warning 2 times but Defender and Worm were on and worm informed me that Def. was restarting the server both times in an attempt to reabuild the Kernal (whatever the fuck that means)

So in conclusion......I think the lag is gone...for me at least...I don't know what's wrong with you guys.